Senin, 07 Mei 2018

Keutamaan Shalat

The article is compiled to fulfill assignment
Fiqh Science lesson
Docent : M. Solek

Compiled by :
1.      Erlangga Danny Rimba Pradana         1702056057



1.      Background .................................................................................................................  1
2.      Question Formulation ..................................................................................................  1
3.      Purpose ........................................................................................................................  1
1.      Definition of fadlillah .................................................................................................  2
2.      What is the fadlillah of praying ...................................................................................  3
1.      Conclusion ...................................................................................................................  5
2.      Suggestion ...................................................................................................................  5


Praying is a deed of worship that firsly reckoned in the judgment day. Praying beside a communication form between human as Allah’s creature to Allah swt, praying has also secrets and deeply philosophies. Praying we employ daily is an obligation to every Moslem. Praying deed can be materialized in our daily activities that will generate whole personality. Thus we may not leave praying and make our praying to be daily, not just a duty.
A Moslem when performs Rukun Islam particularly praying, afterwards he must always remember to Allah swt. Human as Allah’s creature must remember Allah everywhere he belongs and everytime he belongs along his life in order to not doing despicable and ignoring deed. After praying we expect to act preciously and harmoniously live toward common human.

1.      What is the definition of fadlillah?
2.      What is the fadlillah of Praying?

This article is presented to readers in order to improve readers knowledge about the wisdom of praying and in order to enhance their faith to Allah. So it can form readers attitude and behaviour in their daily activities to avoid despicable and ignoring deed.


A.  Definition of Fadlillah
الفضلة  originally comes from الفضلي which means benefit. If both two things are allied in one matter, which one of them has certainty with excessive, so that is called its excessive. And it has excess than instead of it. If we example it with horse, it is more important than donkey. It means horse is allied to donkey which is having a common power to carry away. Nevertheless, horse has more power ahead, running, jumping ability, and well appearance.
Science is an excess to it and absolutely without connecting to other. Because science is a perfect feature for Allah swt. By science, angels and prophets can be lofty. Even by science too, the clever horse can be better than fool horse. Something that is worthy is divided into:
1.      Searched for another
2.      Searched for matter itself
3.      Searched for another goal and together for the matter itself.
Al-Ghazali explains that searched for matter itself has its main importance than searched for another. Because which is searched is dirham and dinar, both of them are rock where Allah swt doesn’t make them to obtain live necessary.[1]
Searched for matter itself is happiness in akhirat. And which is searched for matter itself and  for another, i.e. body salvation. Human salvation, if it is searched, is a body safety from poignant sense. And by the salvation, we can gain the  means of necessary.
By the points above, if we stare at science, we will undoubtedly find by science itself happiness feeling. According to Ghazali, science is searched for science itself. And you can know that science is a way to akhirat and a way to approach ourself to Allah swt.
Rasulullah s.a.w said: “Searching science is obliged upon every Moslem.” In another hadits, Rasulullah s.a.w said: “Search science although until China land.” At the time the distance from Arab to China was far. China in ancient time had enough developed civilization than the other civilization in the world. That’s why Rasulullah s.a.w exampled it to find out science till the China land. According to Rasulullah s.a.w. science that is obliged is knowledge consisted in hadits explaining the pillar of Islam, i.e. testifying that no God but Allah, erecting praying, employing fasting, paying zakat, and executing pilgrimage if able. Because that is obliged those five, we must know it its employment and its obligation.
The higher postion of human is eternal happiness. The major is the way to it. And it will not arrive to him other than science and amal. And it will not arrive to amal without knowing how to do amal. So we can say that, the source of happiness at world and akhirat is science.  At world, we will acquire magnificence, glory and respecting instinctly. When science is more prominent in every thing, so learning it, is looking for the prime.
Rasulullah s.a.w said:
من علم علما فكتمه ألجمه الله يوم القيامة بلجام من نارْ
Meaning: “Whomever knows about science, hence conceals it, then he/she will be reined by Allah swt by fire of hell at doomsday.”
Science is better than wealth. Science can maintain us and we keep wealth. Wealth can be reduced if it is spent, then science can be accrued if it is spent(dibelanjakan). That’s why if we want to do praying worship, we must know its essentiality and its benefit. By the science we gain, we can acquire the benefit of our worship.

B.  Fadlillah of Praying
Here we will talk about what is the benefit of praying in our worship. By science of worship we can not only make our woship just as a duty, but can be materialized in our life.
ان الصلوة كانت على المؤمنين كتاباموقوتا
Meaning: “Indeed praying is an obligation that is determined the time for the faithful.” (Q.S. An-Nisaa’ verse 103).
Wisdom according to Al Ghazali is something appraised by Allah swt with Its firman:”Blessed with It, Wisdom to whose that It will and someone who gifted wisdom then he has blessed many kindliness.” (Surah al-Baqarah verse 269)[2] So here we can conclude the definition from Wisdom of praying is something appraised by Allah swt in our praying. Despite of these words between wisdom and fadlillah has common meaning, but they have different definitions. But in my article here, I don’t want to explain it both of them. About the wisdom of praying, the reader can read our previous article entitled “Wisdom of Praying”. Here I will explicate about the fadlillah of praying.
According to syariah mean, praying is defined as “a series of saying and certain deed  that started by takbir and finished by salam.”[3] Praying that is obliged toward Islam people are 5 times a day, Subuh praying (2 rakaat), Dhuhur praying (4 rokaat), Asar (4 rakaat), Maghrib (3 rakaat), and Isya’ (4 rakaat). Praying is a main and essential worship for Islam people. How important praying, so to give order, Allah deigns to call Rasulullah s.a.w to appear before It directly. While for another Allah’s orders always be conveyed toward Rasulullah s.a.w through Gabriel angel. Because praying constitutes the most essential worship for people life, then it has many wisdoms. The important syara’ aim establishes praying upon human is in order human always remembers to Allah swt.  
Al Ghazali mentions several fadlillah of praying which is divided into fardlu and jama’ah praying. He based his writing on our highest prophet’s hadits and Quran. Despite of some hadits he quoted according to several ulama’ are hasan, we should admit that his mind about praying can’t be regarded as narrow minded. This can be seen from his biography that he wasn’t hadits collector figure as Imam Bukhari or Muslim. 
Fadlillah of Fardlu’ praying:
1.    Praying five times without ever neglecting, will be promised by Allah swt a heaven. If Allah swt is willing, hence they will get adzab and if Allah swt is willing, they will be promised to enter to the heaven. From Ubaddah bin Ash-Shamit. Rasulullah s.a.w. said:
Praying five times is obliged by Allah swt to every ‘hamba’. Then whom does it all without ever neglecting something to them, as demulcent his/her rights, surely for him/her to Allah swt such plea that he/she will get to the heaven. And whom doesn’t do it all, then nothing for him/her to Allah swt such plea. If it is wanted by Allah swt, surely he/she will get adzab and if it is wanted by It, surely he/she will be entered to the heaven.” (H.R. Malik, Ahmad, and etc).
2.    Praying five times can delete human sin, as Rasulullah s.a.w. said in his hadits: From Jabir said that Rasulullah s.a.w. said, “Indeed the five praying can delete sins as water deletes clog.” (HR. Muslim)
3.    From Anas bin Malik, Rasulullah s.a.w. said, ”Someone who encounter Allah while he muffs praying, then he doesn’t cared by Allah upon something than his kindliness.”(HR. Thabrani)
4.    Quoted from Rasulullah s.a.w hadits, he writes that the worst person at stealing is a person who steals his praying. “The worst person at stealing is someone who steals his praying.” (HR. Ahmad and Al-Hakim)
Then in jama’ah praying wisdom, he mentions as follows:
1.    Jama’ah praying can enhance human degree to twenty seven degree. From Ibnu Umar ra, Rasulullah s.a.w said,”Jama’ah praying exceeds praying munfarid by twenty seven degree.” (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)
2.    Allah swt will write him two releasing, firstly relased from nifaq and secondly released from hell. From Anas, Rasulullah s.a.w said,”Someone who employs praying for along forty days jama’ah, and he didn’t leave takbiratul ihram then Allah will write him two releasing, firstly, released from nifaq and secondly releasing from hell.” (HR. Tirmidzi)[4]
Usman al-Khaibawi said in his book entitled “Durratun Nasiin” that whomever praying five times by together, then to him/hers will be given five kind of prizes:
1.      He/she will not getting from poverty in the world
2.      Allah swt will freed him/her of grave torture
3.      He/she will get amal notes with his/her right hand
4.      He/she will be able to go through bridge (shiraathal mustaqim) as a pouncing lightning.
5.      Allah swt will enter him/her to the heaven without the reckoning of amal and without torture. 
Thereby we get image the importance of praying and it is better if we can employ jama’ah praying. How important this praying, Maimunah bin Mahran was told that she came to mosque, then people said to her that people has crowdedly returned (because praying has been finished), so Maimun answered: ”"ان ل الله وان اليه راجعون
Indeed, benefit of the praying is better for me than to be representative of Iraq.[5]
However there are so many fadlillah of praying that I can’t mention it here one by one. Various writers have mention it in their work about it. Beside it, we must also know that Allah swt’s doesn’t assure our praying. We can’t know how are our worship are received or not. According to Usman Al-Baikhawi, Rasulullah s.a.w. said there are ten people whose praying is not be received by Allah swt:
1.      A man, whose praying is alone without reading anything.
2.      A man, whose praying, hence, doesn’t give his zakat.
3.      A man who becomes an imam then his clan or his ma’mum hate him.
4.      A slavery man who is fleeing
5.      An unstoppable boozer man
6.      A girl, whose husband, is angry to her.
7.      A girl who is praying without veil.
8.      An arrogant Imam / leader and dzalim.
9.      A man who is eating usury wealth.
10.  A man whose praying can’t retain his self of despicable and ignoring deed.[6] 


Wisdom according to Al Ghazali is something appraised by Allah swt. So wisdom of praying can be translated as something appraised by Allah swt about our praying. Praying is an essential worship for human. It becomes the first amal which will be reckoned in judgment day.  Because praying constitutes the most essential worship for people life, then it has many wisdoms. The important syara’ aim establishes praying upon human is human in order always remembers Allah swt. Fadlillah of Fardlu’ praying:
1.    Praying five times without ever neglecting, will be promised by Allah swt a heaven.
2.    Praying five times can delete human sin.
3.    Someone who encounter Allah while he muffs praying, then he doesn’t cared by Allah upon something than his kindliness
Then in jama’ah praying wisdom, he mentions as follows:
1.    Jama’ah praying can enhance human degree to twenty seven degree
2.    Allah swt will write him two releasing, firstly relased from nifaq and secondly released from hell.
According to Usman Al-Baikhawi in his book entitled “Duratun Nasihin”, Rasulullah s.a.w. said there are ten people whose praying is not be received by Allah swt:
11.  A man whose praying is alone without reading anything.
12.  A man whose praying then he doesn’t give his zakat.
13.  A man who becomes an imam then his clan or his ma’mum hate him.
14.  A slavery man who is fleeing
15.  An unstoppable boozer man
16.  A girl whose husband is angry to her.
17.  A girl who is praying without veil.
18.  An arrogant Imam / leader and dzalim.
19.  A man who is eating usury wealth.
A man whose praying can’t retain his self of despicable and ignoring deed.

Author realizes that in writing our article, we have many mistakes. Critics and suggestions  that you deliver to us always be accomodated by us as our evaluation to be better in the future.


Al-Khaibawi, Usman. Durratun Nasihin. Semarang: Toko Kitab al-Munawar
DKAH, Rustam. 2015. Fiqh Ibadah Kontemporer. Semarang: CV. Karya Abadi Jaya.
Ghazali, Imam Al. 1963. Ihya Ulumudin. Jilid 1. Trans. by: H.A. Malik. Jakarta.
Hasbiyallah. 2013. Fiqh dan Ushul Fiqh. Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosdakarya

[1] Look Al-Ghazali, Ihya Ulumudin, Vol. 1, (Djakarta: 1963), p. 74
[2] Look Al-Ghazali, Ihya Ulumudin, Vol. 1, (Jakarta: 1963), p. 133
[3] Look Rustam DKAH, Fiqh Ibadah Kontemporer, (Semarang: CV. Karya Abadi Jaya, 2015), p. 37
[4] Al-Ghazali, Ihya Ulumudin, 1st Vol., (Jakarta: 1963), p. 516
[5] Ibid, p. 518
[6] Usman al-Khaibawi, Durratun Nasihin, (Semarang: Toko Kitab Al-Munawar), p. 128.