Senin, 07 Mei 2018

Article about Crime of Drinking Liquor

The article is compiled to fulfill assignment
Fiqh Jinayah lesson
Docent : M. Solek


Compiled by :
1.      Erlangga Danny Rimba Pradana        1702056057
2.      Uyun Firdaus Wijayanti                      1702056059
3.      Dwi Ratna Swari                                1702056060



1.      Chapter I Preliminary
A.    Background ........................................................................................................... 1
B.     Problem Formulation ............................................................................................. 1
C.     Purpose .................................................................................................................. 1
2.      Chapter II Discussion
A.    Definition of Jarimah asy-Syurb al-Khamr ........................................................... 2
B.     Elements of Jarimah Syurb al-Khamr .................................................................... 3
C.     Proibition Theorem of Jarimah Syurb al-Khamr .................................................... 5
D.    Mode of Evidence of Jarimah Syurb al-Khamr .................................................... 6
E.     Scourge Punishment for Jarimah asy-Syurbul Khamr ........................................... 7
3.      Chapter III Closure
A.  Conclution .............................................................................................................. 8
B.  Suggestion .............................................................................................................. 8


Human is living by helping each other. This dependent attitude produce certain fixed cooperation and generating certain society form. Existence of human as a social creature has interests that embodied in cooperation form, even conversely can trigger opposition. Society system generally ruled by law or regulation which becomes guidance in act and behave that embodies in commandement and prohibition. But it seems, order and prohibition is not enough to abandon bad behaviour, so thus it is needed norms, i.e. decency norm, polite norm, religion norm, and law norm. The purpose of norms, are to restrict behaving and acting freely of each individual towards society, is a form of protecting society to its people in living-intercourse.

Norms or rules then known with law, is good written and unwritten stipulation which rules society regulatin so for everyone who denies the regulations then he/she will be sentenced as the existing stipulations. As we know, crime in the world exists incorporate with human development.

1.    What is jarimah syurb al-khamr?
2.    How is the punishment of jarimah syurb al-khamr?

This article is presented for the reader in rush circumstances. In the beginning deliberately attach Arabic form, because this article is talking about jinayah where it can’t be removed from Arab tradition at the time. So here, the writers hope by this article, the reader can know about the crime of drinking liquor according to Quran and Hadits and also ijtihad and also improve awareness of us to avoid the deed.


A.  Definition of Jarimah Syurb al-Khamr
According to Imam al-Mawardi, جريمة is a deed prohibited by syara’, threated by Allah swt by had or ta’zir sentence. جنية is a term of prohibited deed by syara’ concerning to wealth, soul, reason, or intellegence. خمر originated from خمر, يخمر terminologically is closed, hampered, or concealed. ألشرب according Abd Al-Qadir which he quoted Imam Abu Hanifah said,
فا ألشرب عنده قا صر على شرب ألخمر فقط سواء كان ما شرب كثيرا أو قليلا.[1]
“So drinking according to him (Abu Hanifah) is to drink only khamr either less or more.”

From above definition Abu Hanifah formulates khamr to be three solids:
a.       Distillation of grape precipitated till effervesce and to be intoxicating substance.
b.      Distillation of grape cooked till blazing to two three real substance of wine lost and finally to be intoxicating substance.
c.       Distillation of palm and dry grape are precipitated to be effervesce and to be intoxicating substance.
By the definition above can be revealed that khamr according to Abu Hanifah is beverage gained from wine distillation. Thus, Imam Abu Hanifah distincts between khamr and musykir. Khamr is regarded as haram to drink whether less or more. In addition to khamr, musykir is an ingredient from another wine distillation that is intoxicating, liable to punishment if someone, who drinks it, is intoxicated. If not so, it is not liable to be sentenced.

According to Hasbi ash Shiddieqy khamr is wine distillation and equivalent of it proccessed to be intoxicated liquor, and every intoxicated matter is khamr.[2] According to M. Iqbal, خمر originally means “it veiled or covered or concealed” a thing and grape is called khamr because it veils intellect and obscures the moral sensibilities of man. Quoting the explanation from Lane, Iqbal showed that khamr is differently explained as meaning what intoxicates, of the expressed juice of grapes, or the juice of grapes when it has effervesced and thrown up froth, and become freed therefrom, or it has a common application to intoxicating expressed juice of anything, or any intoxicating thing that clouds or obscures the intellect.(M, Iqbal, 1994: 112)

“...the basic material in alcoholic fermentation is the same (i.e. glucose) whichever raw material is used. Grape juice contains ready glucose, but in the case of corn, glucose has to be produced by various treatments, before alcoholic fermenation can even start. So khamr covers all alcoholic beverages, a view held by Shah Waliullah and almost all the Imams.”[3]

From definition which has mentioned above by ulama’, we can conclude that khamr is every sort of beverage or intoxicated substance whether from wine, palm, honey, wheat or other material, either being drunk or being eaten less or more.  

B.   Elements of Jarimah Syurb al-Khamr
Such deed can be regarded as jarimah if fullfilled several element, i.e. general element and particular element. General elements that must be fullfilled:
a.     Existence of Nash which forbidden and menace law against it. This element usually called formal element (syar’i pillar). Requirement about prohibition drinking liquor is written in Surat Al-Maidah verse 90.
b.    Existence of behaviour which forms jarimahm either concrete deeds or unacting attitude. This element usually called material element (maddi pillar). The person has swallowed although has just nogged.
c.     Subject is mukallaf person such as person which can be demanded responsible against acted jarimah. This element is called moral element (adabi pillar).[4]  

Aside the general element above, particulat element that must be accomplished from jarimah syurb al-khamr. There are two particular elements as follows:
1.    Asy-Syurbu
Person which being drunk if thing he/she drinks has swallowed till thrunk. If the beverage is not till thrunk then considered not drinking, such as gargling. Thus including drinking deed, if drinking khamr beverage meant to omit thirsty, wheras there is a water that can be drunk. But, if the matter is done because of necessity or being forced, subject is sentenced.
2.    Intention to ignore law
Element is fullfilled if someone does deed liquors (khamr) whereas he/she knows that what he/she has drunk is khamr or musykir. Thus, if someone drinks intoxicating beverage, but he/she suspects that what he/she has drunk is untoxicating usual drink then he/she is not hadd sentenced, because there is no intention to ignore law. If someone doesn’t know that liquor (khamr) is prohibited, however he/she knows  that thing is intoxicating so opposing law element (Qasad al-Jina’i) is not accomplished yet. But reason of doesn’t know of law can’t be accepted from person who is living and residing in another land and Islamic environment.[5]   

Saudi Arabia has good control over its borders due to which it is almost near to impossible to smuggle any alcoholic drink (Liquor) from the neighboring countries. In fact, if someone found smuggling alcoholic drink (Liquor) to Saudi Arabia, he is punished seriously. Foreign delegates, diplomats, and foreign embassies have an exemption under this subject. They can set quota to import alcoholic drinks (Liquor) for their personal use. Normally Saudi government sets a quota for them. It is very difficult to get alcohol (Liquor) in Saudi Arabia and even if you find one, it will be “home brew” which means homemade. All the ingredients used to make alcoholic drinks (Liquor) are available in the supermarkets. A penalty of smuggling alcohol (Liquor) may reach to sentence to death. Those who supply alcohol (Liquor) to Saudis are liable to highest punishment. We have heard that some foreigners who were caught trading alcoholic drinks (Liquor) were punished with 500 lashes. There are also cases when foreigners were detained from the airport just because they were smelling alcohol (Liquor). Drinkers of Alcohol (Liquor) are also sentenced to lashes. If you are an expatriate caught drinking alcohol, the minimum penalty is deportation with 5 years ban.[6]

C.  Prohibition Theorem of Syurb al-Khamr
Wine according to M. Iqbal is characterized as khamr, which is generally held to imply all things which is intoxicating. There is some theorem from Quran from the following verses:
يسئلونك عن ألخمر وألميسرط قل فيهما اثم كبير و منافع لناس و اثمهما اكبر من نفعهماط
“They will ask thee concerning wine and the game of chance. Say: In both there is a great sin, and some benefits for men; but their sin is greater than their benefits.” (Q.S. Al-Baqarah verse 219).

Then Allah swt said in another surah as follows:

يا أيها اللذينآمنوا انم ألخمر وألميسر والانصاب والأزلام رجس من عمل الشيطان فاجتنبوه لعلكم تفلحونًَ
“O believers, surely wine and games of chance, (ungodly) shrines, and divining devices, are an abomination of Satan’s work! Avoid them, that you may prosper.”(Q.S. Al-Maidah verse 90)

At Hadits Rasulullah s.a.w. explained: From Ibnu Umar r.a., Rasulullah s.a.w. said, ”Every intoxicated is khamr, and every khamr is haram.”(H.R. Abu Dawud) From another hadits revealed: ”Something that much intoxicates, then less also haram.”(H.R. Ahmad)

Al-Quran doesn’t assert punishment for the subject. The matter is lied by prophet through his sunnah fi’iliyyah that punishment from this jarimah is 40 times “dera”. Abu Bakar r.a. follows this trace. But Umar bin Khattab sentenced 80 times “dera”. According to Imam Abu Hanifah and Imam Malik, punishment of drinking khamr is 80 times dera, whereas Imam Syafi’i is 40 times dera, but he adds then imam may add to be 80 times “dera”. So 40 times is hadd sentence, and the remaining is ta’zir sentence.[7]

D.  Mode of Evidence of Jarimah asy-Syurbul Khamr
Mode of evidence toward jarimah syurb al-khamr can be done by the following way:
a.     Witness
A number of witnesses is required to prove jarimah khamr is two eligible persons of witnessing. Beside that, Imam Abu Hanifah and Imam Abu Yusuf presupposes there is still a scent of beverage during witnessing time. Both of two imam attach witnessing with sense of liquor (khamr). Another requirement explained by Abu Hanifah and his pupils is witnessing or occurence of drinking khamr has not expired yet. Limit of expired according to Abu Hanifah and Abu Yusuf is vanishing the sense of liquor.[8]    
b.    Legitimation
The existence of legitimation of subject is only one time and doesn’t have to be replied till four times. Applied requirements toward legitimation in jarimah zina also applied to jarimah syurb al-khamr. Imam Abu Hanifah presupposes the legitimation before it is expired, in spite of the other imam doesn’t presuppose it.
c.     Qarinah
Qarinah is a sign. Qarinah is as follows:
1)   Beverage scent
Imam Malik contends that liquor scent of those who drinks constitutes of evidence of having done khamr beverage deed, however no witness. But Imam Abu anifah and Imam Syafi’i contend that beverage scent can’t be an evidence, maybe he/she actually doesn’t drink, but only gargling, or he/she suspects what he/she has drunk is water, not khamr.
2)   Intoxicating
Someone who is founded intoxicating is an evidence that he/she has done liquor deed. If two or more find it, he/she must be sentenced by hadd punishment, i.e. 40 times “dera”. But Imam Syafi’i doesn’t deem intoxicating as an evidence without sustained by another evidence. There is another possibility if he/she is being forced or failure.
3)   Vomit
Imam Malik contends that vomit is a strong evidence than scent of beverage, because subject will not commit vommiting except after drinking liquor. Imam Abu Hanifah and Imam Syafi’i doesn’t consider vomitting as an evidence, except sustained by another proof, for instance liquor scent in his/her vomit.[9]  

E.  Scourge punishment for Khamr drinker
According to Abdul Qadir, punishment is:
العقبة هي ألجزاء ألمقرر لمصلحة ألجماعة على عصيان امر ألشرع.

“Punishment is a determined revenge to maintain society’s interest, because of violence upon syara’ requirement.”[10]
Quran forbids khamr firmly. Punishment for khamr drinker founded in Hadits Rasulullah s.a.w and his followers, because prophet itself and khulafa’urrasyidin gives punishment for khamr drinker i.e. scourge. From Anas r.a. said

عن ا نس بن ما لك رضي الله عنه ان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أتي بر جل قد شرب ألخمر فجلده بجر يدتين نحو اربعين.
Meaning: “From Anas bin Malik r.a., Rasulullah s.a.w said: Surely a man who drinks liquor has faced to Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. Then he had beat him by two stem of palm forty times.” (H.R. Muslim)

The purpose of the determining and applying punishment in syariat Islam as follows:
1.    Preventive
Preventive is restrain those who commits jarimah in order to not reply his/her jarimah and also another person who is willing to do the same.
2.    Education
Punishment is to educate subject of jarimah to be better person and realize his/her failure or sin. Here, syariah aligns to subject itself. By this punishment, it will arise in subject his/herself awareness that he avoid jarimah not to due of being afraid to be sentenced, but because of self-awareness and his/her hatred to jarimah and wish to get ridha from Allah swt.

Society system generally ruled by law or regulation which becomes guidance in act and behave that embodies in commandement and prohibition. But it seems, order and prohibition is not enough to abandon bad behaviour, so thus it is needed norms, i.e. decency norm, polite norm, religion norm, and law norm. The purpose of norms, are to restrict behaving and acting freely of each individual towards society, is a form of protecting society to its people in living-intercourse.

Norms or rules then known with law, is good written and unwritten stipulation which rules society regulatin so for everyone who denies the regulations then he/she will be sentenced as the existing stipulations. As we know, crime in the world exists incorporate with human development, especially crime of drinking khamr.

Allah swt has forbidden its adherents to avoid khamr as a haram thing to drink. Many ulama’ has aprroved it to drink, however there is some qualifying which is not to be characterized as khamr or not. But we as a Moslem adherent should not reach khamr as our beverage in order to not to be annoyed in the judgment day later.

In writing this article, writer aware that we have a full of lack. Critics and suggestions from the reader are very accepted to maintain quality of the writing to be better later.


Audah, Abd al-Qadir. 2011. At-Tasyri’ al-Jina’i al-Islamiy. Juz II. Beirut: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi.
Ash-Shidieqy, TM Hasbi.
Hanafi, Ahmad. 1993. Asas-asas Hukum Pidana Islam. Jakarta: Bulan Bintang.
Muslih, Ahmad Wardi. 2005. Hukum Pidana Islam. Jakarta: Sinar Grafika.
Santoso, Topo. 2016. Hukum Pidana Islam. Jakarta: Amzah.
Siddiqi, Muhammad Iqbal. 1994. The Penal Law of Islam. New Delhi: International Islamic Publisher.

[1] Abd Al-Qadir Audah, At-Tasyri’ al-Jinay al-Islamiy, Juz II, (Beirut: Dar al-Kitab al-‘Arabi), hlm. 498.
[2] TM. Hasbi ash Shiddieqy, Hukum-hukum Fiqh Islam Tinjauan Antar Mazhab, (Semarang: Pustaka Rizki Putra, 2001), hlm. 211.
[3] M. Iqbal Siddiqi, The Penal Law of Islam, New Delhi, International Islamic Publisher, 1994, hlm. 112.
[4] Ahmad Hanafi, Asas-asas Hukum Pidana Islam, Jakarta: Bulan Bintang, 1993, hlm. 6.
[5] Ahmad Wardi Muslih, Hukum Pidana Islam, (Jakarta: Sinar Grafika, 2005), hlm. 74.
[6], (Accessing date: 24 April 2018)
[7] Topo Santoso, Hukum Pidana Islam, (Jakarta: Amzah, 2016), hlm. 59.
[8] Ahmad Wardi Muslih, Hukum Pidana Islam, (Jakarta: Sinar Grafika, 2005), hlm. 78
[9] Ibid, hlm. 79
[10] Abd Al-Qadir Audah, At-Tasyri’ al-Jinay al-Islamiy, (Beirut: Dar al-Kitab al-‘Arabi), hlm. 609.

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